
Climate Models Bias

Simple Climate Change points

Earth has been 2C hotter & 1C cooler than now (Proxies) & is still exiting the last IceAge (~11kyrs ago) Especially as now is ONLY 1° above 1850 coldest in 8,000 yrs, 2° below warmest. Sighting of Stevenson Screens & the number of has varied since used, direct measurement only since approx. 1850's; numbers used & position near airports motorway is argued about. CO ₂  & Temperature relationship is wrong way around, H ₂ 0 (1% to 4%) is the main GHG, CO ₂  (0.04%) is Secondary. How does CO² affect the JetStream  Civilised Humans need Fossil Fuels that are the main COG's ™ (Coal, Oil & Gas) of society; Renewables also require these, even Nuclear Businesses, Academics, Activists are all getting advantages to themselves promoting a 'Climate-Crisis', to the detriment of the ordinary person. This is complicating genuine science. SolarPanels & WindTurbines are not a direct replacement for these COG's, are unreliable & intermittent when needed;

Dinosaurs death from real Climate Change

 Real Climate change: By Martha Henriques 15th August 2022 Sixty-six million years ago, our distant ancestors lived through perhaps the most violent event in Earth's history. How did a band of small, insignificant mammals scuffling in the shadows survive the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs? T Through darkness, ash and deadly heat, a tiny furry animal scurries through the hellscape left behind by the worst day for living things in Earth's history. It picks through the wreckage, snatches an insect to eat, and scuttles back to its shelter. All around it are the dead and dying bodies of the dinosaurs that have terrorised mammals for generations.  These were the early weeks and months after a six-mile-wide (10km) asteroid collided with the coast of present-day Mexico with the force of more than a billion nuclear bombs, ending the Cretaceous spectacularly. At the dawn of the era t

SARSCOV2 scenario

SARSCOV2 likely escaped from WIV by accident, explaining the Gov't misguided desperate measures Gov't over-reacted as unnatural source. Also development possibly a Gain Of Function funded by USA & China. Modelling by likes of Ferguson over exaggerated (had form). Development of New Technology had previously been developed awaiting opportunity (Scientist jumped at chance to try them). Traditional Vaccines generally Protein based, the New Tech mRNA & vvDNA were proposed as a quick 'solution'; but Gene Therapy based. Phase 1,2 & 3 trials for these NT jabs ramped warp speed due to urgency of Gov'ts to find some sort of 'solution'. Lockdowns likely did more harm than benefit, e.g. Sweden. China hid data, non co-operation, stated Wet Market, possibly a smokescreen. Many strains aka Variants were discovered but generally viruses weaken over time. Face masks, social distancing, lockdown strategies became too onerous, draconian implementation taken too fa